Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Project 13 to 13: Day 3

Day 3 of this little project features my music man:

Each weekday he pulls out his viola just after he finishes the rest of his homework. Since neither of his parents are what you would call "musically gifted" this afternoon serenade is a special treat. Usually, I am finishing up work for the day or perhaps getting a jump start on dinner and I can think of no finer way to spend the time. But mostly, I am thankful that Wonder Boy has developed such a fierce love of music of all kinds. I have noticed that, when he is stressed or unhappy, he will often turn to his piano or his viola or even his trusty iPod for comfort. And it makes me feel good to know he has such a wonderful way to work out his worries.

In our look back today, we travel back to Sept 2004 - just a few days shy of Wonder Boy's 3rd birthday.

Wonder Dad was away on a trip, so we were taking extra pictures to email to him when I caught this one. I just love the absolute look of concentration on his face. Wonder Boy has always been this way. When he focuses on an activity of any kind, the rest of the world melts away and there is only the task at hand. In this flashback moment, it meant bed time would be hard to come by, but today it means that homework is finished in a timely fashion ... and that bed time may be hard to come by if an activity is started close to lights out. But I wouldn't have it any other way! This is just one of those things that is absolutely Wonder Boy, through and through. And he wouldn't be the awesome kiddo that he is without this characteristic.

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