Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back Track - Captain Happy & the 6th Grade Wrap-Up

Usually, I will back-date these posts, but this one is SO late (we are only about 2 weeks until the start of the new school year) that I am just going to put it here with the disclaimer that ... well ... it's late. Sue me.

Wonder Boy had a really great 6th grade year! He had to buckle down and work a little harder than in years past in order to stay on the honor roll, but he did JUST THAT ... he put in the time and effort and ended up with the grades he wanted. While it is hard to see him struggle, and harder still to see his disappointment in a less-than-perfect report card, I am happy he is learning this skill NOW rather than when he goes off to college.

Wonder Boy's favorite subject is still math. And he still loves science as well. But surprisingly, his favorite teacher was his English-Language Arts teacher, Mr. Z. Mr. Z brought a lot of energy to his class room and I think that helped motivate Wonder Boy through his less-than-favorite subject. As a result, the Boy has developed a new love for reading. And while he has always enjoyed a good book, that pleasure seems to have deepened over the course of this school year as he has been exposed to new genres both in class and at home.

One of the most fun things Wonder Boy "brought home" this school year was a new nickname. The high school orchestra director spends time at the Intermediate and Middle schools each week. And one day when working with Wonder Boy's ensemble, with Wonder Boy cutting up and keeping everyone in smiles (as he is wont to do when he is in his element), Mr. H dubbed him "Captain Happy."

I think you can get an inkling of that when you see the images above (& throughout this little blog). Wonder Boy has always been a pretty laid back chap. And when he is in an environment where he is relaxed and confident, he will often assume the role of class clown. I am just glad that Mr. H saw it much like we do - the expression of a kiddo who is just happy to be where he is at in life.

As usual, as I look back over this school year, I see tremendous growth in our dear Boy. He is physically taller, having sprouted almost 2 full inches since the fall. He is more mature. He is more confident. He is more independent. He is more ... well ... more Wonder Boyish than ever.

I am really looking forward to seeing where the next school year will take him!