Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy braaaiiinnnsss day, I mean, Birthday!

It's Wonder Dad's birthday! And Wonder Boy looks forward to it every summer (we all do, but seriously, I think Wonder Boy has the best time of it!). As soon as Father's Day winds down, it's time to kick the birthday presentations into high gear. Presents must be considered, food and drink must be decided upon, and most importantly the design for Dad's card must be planned and executed.

I have to admit, watching the Boy come up with his card idea and then put it into play, is my FAVORITE part of the preparations. It's a taxing job for us both, but the end result is NEVER a disappointment. And this year is no exception.

Like last year, the Boy chose a video game theme as the starting point of his design. I was a little surprised when he chose Plants vs Zombies as his theme. I mean .... birthday Zombies?! But zombies it was. And the execution really WAS a gem, let me tell ya!

The card reads: (outside)
It's your birthday,
so scream and shout ...

It's good for the plants
(& they keep the Zombies out)!

How cute is that?!

Wonder Boy reminds me more and more of his dad every day. And it is special days like this where it truly shines through.

Happy Birthday Wonder Dad! We love you!

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