Friday, October 3, 2014

Project 13 to 13: Day 12

I should hang my head in shame as I come to tell you that there is no snap of Wonder Boy on day 12 of our countdown to teen-dom. But the reason there is no photo is that all three of us came home weary from the long week today, settled down on the couch together and spent the evening just enjoying being together as a family. We watched a movie, cuddled under a blanket, had a nice meal together and just relaxed.

Tomorrow is a busy day that will include a soccer game, errands, and some much needed cleaning before we begin our last minute birthday preps. So while I should hang my head ... I am not. This is just what our family needs today and so that is just how it will have to be.

I *do*, however, have a look back to share with you.

Here you see Wonder Boy a year ago today doing one of the things he loves the most in this world - knocking out a tune on his keyboard. That smile you see on his face ... it seems to ALWAYS be there when he is making music. And you can count on there being a smile on my face and Wonder Dad's face as well. We love having all this music in our home. It's a true treat!

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