Monday, September 22, 2014

Project 13 to 13: Day 1

In 13 short days, our dear Wonder Boy will turn 13, will be come a teenager... a TEENAGER, folks!

When I too was on the cusp of that milestone (back in the days of the dinosaurs, I know), it felt as if I would never get there. It just took SO LONG to grow up! As HE stands on the doorstep to his teen years, I wonder how he got here so very quickly.

So for each of the next 13 days, I intend to reflect not just on the boy and baby that he once was, but on the incredible young man he has become in only 13 short years.

First, let's look at my guy today:

This is a typical after school scene: a pile of homework and a tasty snack for added "focus." We often sit side-by-side, knocking out our work while we watch the door for signs of Wonder Dad. I enjoy this little ritual (even if the ice cream sandwich is not for me) and hope it is one we can continue for years to come.

But I also want to take a look back ... to this same day in September 2002 when Wonder Boy was approaching his first birthday.

Back then, there were no piles of homework and probably not any ice cream sandwiches (he preferred salty treats). But we still had a great spot to sit and wait for Dad to come home. And when he made it home, playing on the floor was high priority for the whole family.

Forgive me, Wonder Boy, for this sappy mommy moment (and the next 12 sappy days to follow). There is such a big part of me that wants to hold onto you so tight that you'll never age another day. But there is a MUCH BIGGER part of me that is thrilled and excited to see how independent you have become and at all the adventures that await you.

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