Sunday, September 28, 2014

Project 13 to 13: Day 7

For Day 7 in this project, we see Wonder Boy in his most natural state:

This snap was taken up in his "man cave" (i.e. the bonus room at the top of the stairs where he has his stash of legos, his keyboard, his video games, and all things boy). With his PlayStation controller in hand and his Nerf rifle at his side, all is right with his world.

Looking back to 2008, a few days before his 7th birthday, we see a much more animated Wonder Boy!

This snap was taken after school as we discussed plans for his upcoming birthday celebration. Just look at that hole in his smile - that will never fail to bring a grin to MY face. He's also sporting his Ecuador soccer jersey, which he wore proudly to soccer practice that night.

Big or small, Wonder Boy has always been a lot of fun. Some days, that means energy oozing out of his every pore. Other days, it means cuddling on the couch with a good book. But regardless, it's always fun!

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