Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Project 16 to 16: Day 1

It's here! It's here! My favorite photo project of the year!

I know I have been more than negligent about updating this blog, but it's time to dust it off again as we count down the days to Wonder Boy's 16th birthday!

On the left, you see Wonder Boy this morning. He was a bit rushed and didn't really want me to take his picture this morning. But it's picture day at school and even if I were not starting this project, he would have had to endure me and my camera. He knows it and accepts it even if he doesn't like it.

Wonder Boy is a few weeks into his sophomore year of high school. Every day he seems taller, more mature. He's been a bit stressed by the increased workload at school this year, but on the whole, I think he's off to a good start this fall.

Looking back (or at least to the photo on the right), we see that tiny little bundle of boy. Blue is still his favorite color to wear. And I can even find him crashed out on this couch from time to time.

I've said it before and I'll say it again here, I may miss holding that little warm newborn of ours, the smell of his hair after a bath, or even walking the room with him late at night begging him to go to sleep. But I would not turn back the clock to those days, even if I could. I wouldn't trade our bedtime reading or even watching him wolf down his favorite foods. But I do appreciate being able to reflect on these moments and remember the joy, the trials, and everything in between.

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