Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Project 17 to 17: Day 9

I wasn't sure what I wanted to feature today, but then, in the last few minutes before Wonder Boy had to leave for school, I caught him sneaking in a few cuddles with the Puppy Princess.

I have always loved seeing these two together. When she was small, she didn't have a whole lot of time for Wonder Boy. He was persistent though. Through his tenacious efforts, she knew if she wanted someone who was always ready to play, he was her go-to-guy. And she always hovered around at mealtimes, just in case he needed a hand clearing his plate. But she was a little reserved when it came to snuggle and cuddle time.

Fast forward a bunch of years, when Mr. Mutt entered our lives and suddenly she warmed RIGHT UP to Wonder Boy!

So perhaps the Boy should be thanking the Mutt for these early morning cuddle sessions.

Regardless of how they got here, they both seem to gravitate to one another in this season of their lives. And it sure makes me happy to see them like this!

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