Sunday, September 22, 2019

Project 18 to 18: Day 6

Curiosity is the engine of achievement. ~Ken Robinson

Wonder Boy has a mind that is only very rarely quiet, which may account for why he often holds his tongue.

An ever inquisitive mind has always been a hallmark of the Boy's character. When he was young, like in the flashback photo for today, he had to be almost physically restrained to keep from exploring. He wanted to know everything about everything. And he seemed to just soak it up like a sponge! I enjoyed our days of science experiments and grand adventures to see what the world held in store for us!

These days, the Boy has discovered that there is a world beyond the physical to explore and conquer! I sit in awe as he explains the math proofs on his whiteboards to me. I so admire that he doesn't just want to know how to DO math, but instead strives to fully understand and grasp the concepts behind the mechanics of solving a problem. And the best part is, that he doesn't take a single thing for granted, nothing at face value. He has to prove to himself that something is the way some textbook might claim it to be. THIS is how discoveries are made!

I suspect this is a skill that will serve him well in the years to come as he heads off to college and beyond. I know, in the depths of my being, that this guy is meant for great things!

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