Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Project 18 to 18: Day 8

PKS: A public service announcement ...

Most folks probably have never heard of PKS, or Photographer's Kid Syndrome. I'm not really a photographer, but I am a very proud MWAC (Mom With A Camera) - I have a camera and I'm not afraid to SHOOT YOU!

Seriously though, I've had a camera in my hand pretty much since the day Wonder Boy come into this world and I can't imagine doing things any other way. So ... for almost 18 years he has had to endure countless snaps from mom. It started off well enough ... of course, he was too small to protest, but at least 4 days of out each 7 for the first two to three years of his life, I had camera in hand to capture every smile, every grimace, every milestone, and every precious moment I could capture.

I was able to keep up my photo-journalist tendencies through the preschool and even into elementary school. But by the time we hit the mid-way point of preschool, I started having to get creative with my bribes or the Boy would run and hide (or at least refuse to look in my direction) every time I pulled the camera out of my bag. One bribe (that didn't involve high quantities of sugar) that often sealed the deal was to allow him a few moments of silly time. Snaps of him sticking out his tongue, crossing his eyes, bending over to look through his legs ... well ... let's just say I have more than my fair share of these images! But it worked! Often he would crack up at his own antics and then I was able to snap away until I was able to capture that perfect natural smile!

There came a point where even silly snaps were not enough and I was lucky if I could get him to agree to let me pull out the camera. But there were two exceptions: (1) I was allowed to take as many pictures as I wanted at events like soccer, orchestra, and judo, but I could not as him to look at me. I was generally only allowed to capture action photos at these events. But at least he didn't mind me and my camera on the sidelines. and (2) pictures with the dogs were allowed on occasion as long as I didn't go overboard and ask for it 4+ days a week.

Again, this fell somewhat to the wayside. Once his judo and soccer days were done, opportunities for action shots evaporated too. And even the suggestion of a snap with one of the dogs was met with eye rolls and protests.

BUT ... every now and then, I am able to catch Wonder Boy in a moment where he is willing to let me grab a quick snap or two. Generally, I have to agree to keep photo taking to a very limited time span - and it still doesn't hurt to involve the dogs and allow a little silly time!

This morning before school, Wonder Boy was cuddling with his Puppy Princess when Wonder Mutt got jealous and tried to worm his way in between them. The Princess was not impressed and went from cuddles to fussing in the blink of an eye and Wonder Boy couldn't resist joining in. I'm just glad he didn't object to me trying to capture the moment so we can all look back and laugh about it in years to come!

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